Tuesday, July 1, 2008


avery is loving summer - the bubbles, the balls, the pools, the sprinklers, the eating outside, or playing on the swingset all afternoon...these are some pictures from a couple days ago, swimming in Nana's pool...taking a break, playing on the deck...

with uncle matt, and 'uncle' van...

she was so excited to throw the balls in the pool,

and uncle matt would get them for her...


i'm gonna do it....

even though these pictures look like sweet, innocent avery just having fun, if i had been able to take pictures of when we were in the pool, it would have shown a different story. she's crazy!! she wore swimmies, and wanted to lunge out of my arms every chance she got. she was struggling to get away from me the whole time we were in there. i'm really glad she was so excited, and that she's so brave..but i've really got to keep my eye on this one! even though she went half way under a few times, and water got all in her nose and mouth...she didn't care!! she wanted right back in again, no tears, just a little sputtering, and then she was back to kicking and splashing and trying to swim away. i think we should make the pool a weekly summer activity.

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