Wednesday, July 30, 2008


oh, how i love these long summer days....

Shepard Family Reunion

this is the gang.

avery did not want to cooperate for the pictures :(

she had a great time eating the chicken, pasta salad, and blueberries. she also liked the muffins i made, even though Nonnie classified them as "health food muffins" - which i don't think was meant as a good thing :)
(okay fine, they did have wheat flour, flax seed, and the hidden ingredient of summer squash)

she also played on the playplace with her cousin Austin, whom she loves. she absolutely loved the water spraypark, which daddy was so good to bring her around in. she played in her wagon with all of her little cousins, auntie katie, uncle jack, and van.

and before we left, we took a ride on the trolley, and auntie merri took some great pictures, which i'll share with everyone :

thank you meredith!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I just wanted to say that I LOVE all the pics that are up. Now you just gotta get the videos going lol. I miss you guys and I can't wait to see you. only a week!!!! love you!