Sunday, May 25, 2008

memorial day weekend

so far, we've had a very productive weekend. on friday, avery went to her first hip hop show. she was apprehensive at first, (after all, it was really loud, and dark!) but we held back and by the middle she was laughing, and clapping. by the end, she was so tired, she almost fell asleep in spite of all the noise! that's how she's always been though; as long as i'm holding her, no matter the noise level, she can fall asleep eventually. it amazes everyone who sees her.

saturday morning, we went to the farmer's market in springfield. not alot of stuff yet, i guess because it's still so early in the season. avery had fun pointing out all the puppies and saying woof woof. she seemed to like looking at all the different kinds of plants, too. then we went to the grocery store, and got a whole bunch of stuff. it takes me so long to grocery shop now, because i read the ingredient lists on everything!! when we were done, it was time for avery's nap, so peter and i did alot of yard work. when she woke up, he finished mowing and making my garden boxes, and melanie came over and we played in the yard with avery. then we went to Meredith's drama show - where peter had to take her outside because she kept hitting me and saying "mom, mom. mom." pretty loudly during the performance. so they went home at intermission, and i came home after the show was over. we have a few plans for today and tommorrow, so hopefully we can feel relaxed and refreshed by tuesday. this is sure going to be a busy summer!

avery, i think you are such an amazing little person. i love watching you get so excited to go outside, almost breathless. you're completely fearless - running, jumping, rolling on the ground, going down the slide, chasing birds and scares me sometimes, but at the same time i'm so proud of you. you are such a pleasure to be around. i can't believe all the things you are learning..every day you say or do something new. being your mom has got to be the best thing ever. i love you so much!

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