Wednesday, May 14, 2008

15 months old

Tommorrow is Avery's 15 month birthday. She is growing so fast! She loves to play outside, and likes to go down the slide all by herself. She actually yelled at me because I stayed at the bottom to try and catch her! She is very independant, with a strong mind of her own. I have no idea where she gets that from :) She can say so many words already, and everything we say gets repeated in her baby language. We got her 2 goldfish yesterday, and she gets so excited when she sees them. She also loves to see Bailee, and can not only say her name, but tells her to "go lay down" and "nice puppy".

We went to Amelia Park last week with Nonnie, and she was so good about smelling the flowers, and not ripping them off their stems. She sits at the table with us in her booster seat, and eats pretty much anything you give her! She hasn't started being picky about her foods yet, which is a blessing for me. She LOVES mushrooms (daddy's girl) and spinach (mommy's girl), but of course, ice cream is her favorite. She loves to be read to and tries to read to us too. Curious George book the her favorite right now, and she will bring it to me to read to her every day. She can point out where George is, say monkey, and tries to make the "ooh ooh aah aah" monkey noise. She still sticks her finger up her nose pretty often, and kisses with mouth wide open - two habits we're trying to break....okay mommy is trying to break them, daddy still thinks they're funny.

She loves trying on hats and sunglasses, and when we tell her how pretty her dresses are. She laughs hysterically when someone falls down or gets hit - she definitely has mommy's sense of humor. She is a total daddy's girl, and gets sad in the morning when he leaves for work.

She has a mouthful of teeth that we brush every day, and soon will have to go to the dentist. She doesn't like going to the doctor's office, and gets upset whenever we have to go. She loves being naked, and taking a bath. I can't wait to see her in the pool this summer, and i wonder what she will think of the sprinkler! She tries to blow bubbles, but ends up tasting the wand instead...and just like everything else, gets mad if mommy tries to do it for her :)

She is by far, the sweetest thing.

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