Thursday, May 7, 2009

and then there were four....

emery was born at 8:45 am on Tuesday, April 14th. she weighed 8.12 when she was born, which is so funny, because that's exactly how much avery weighed when she was born, but emery measured about 2 inches shorter!
the labor went classically perfect - i couldn't have asked for a more amazing experience. giving birth was by far the coolest thing i've ever done. although she slept through most of the labor, avery was awake and in the living room with us, watching, for almost 2 hours before nana came and picked her up. it was exactly what i'd hoped for. she just sat, quietly watching, asking questions - not at all scared or worried. and her pajama shirt was a curious george shirt that said " i'm feeling curious.." - i think that was incredibly appropriate!
avery loves being a big sister - she is definitely adjusting because she's alot more emotional than before, and her tantrums come alot faster than before, but she absolutely loves "her baby" and likes to give emery lots and lots of kisses and hugs. she knows she can't touch the baby's head, so she touches her ears. if you ask her the baby's name, she knows it's emery, but she usually calls the baby "Q" or "baby Q" - i wonder how long that nickname will last! :)

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